Best Practices for Writing Ansible Playbooks

Are you tired of manually configuring your servers every time you need to deploy a new application or update an existing one? Do you want to automate your infrastructure and save time and effort? If so, Ansible is the tool for you!

Ansible is an open-source automation tool that allows you to automate your IT infrastructure, from servers to network devices to cloud resources. It uses a simple and powerful language called YAML to describe your infrastructure as code, and it can be used to manage both Linux and Windows systems.

In this article, we will discuss the best practices for writing Ansible playbooks, which are the building blocks of Ansible automation. We will cover topics such as playbook structure, variable management, error handling, and testing, among others. By following these best practices, you will be able to write efficient, maintainable, and scalable Ansible playbooks that will make your life as a sysadmin much easier.

Playbook Structure

The first step in writing a good Ansible playbook is to define its structure. A playbook is a YAML file that contains a list of tasks to be executed on one or more hosts. Each task is a set of instructions that Ansible will execute on the target host(s), such as installing a package, copying a file, or running a command.

Here are some best practices for structuring your Ansible playbooks:

Use a clear and consistent naming convention

Use a clear and consistent naming convention for your playbooks, tasks, and variables. This will make it easier to understand and maintain your code, especially if you are working in a team. For example, you could use a prefix to indicate the purpose of the playbook, such as "webserver-" for a playbook that configures a web server.

Use roles to organize your tasks

Use roles to organize your tasks into logical units. A role is a collection of tasks, files, templates, and variables that can be reused across multiple playbooks. Roles allow you to modularize your code and avoid duplication, which makes your playbooks more maintainable and scalable.

Use tags to group your tasks

Use tags to group your tasks into categories, such as "install", "configure", "deploy", etc. Tags allow you to selectively execute or skip tasks based on their category, which can be useful for testing or troubleshooting. Tags also make it easier to understand the purpose of each task and its dependencies.

Use includes to reuse common tasks

Use includes to reuse common tasks across multiple playbooks. An include is a YAML file that contains a list of tasks, variables, or other YAML constructs that can be included in another YAML file. Includes allow you to avoid duplication and simplify your playbooks, especially if you have many similar tasks.

Variable Management

Variables are a key component of Ansible playbooks, as they allow you to parameterize your code and make it more flexible and reusable. Variables can be defined at different levels of your playbook, such as at the playbook level, the role level, or the task level. Here are some best practices for managing your variables:

Use descriptive variable names

Use descriptive variable names that reflect the purpose and scope of the variable. Avoid generic names such as "var1", "var2", etc. that can be confusing and hard to maintain. Use underscores to separate words in variable names, and use all caps for constants.

Use default values for optional variables

Use default values for optional variables that may not be defined by the user. This will make your playbook more robust and avoid errors when a variable is missing. You can use the "default" filter to specify a default value for a variable, such as "{{ my_var | default('default_value') }}".

Use variable files for sensitive data

Use variable files to store sensitive data such as passwords, API keys, or certificates. Variable files are YAML files that contain key-value pairs, and they can be encrypted using Ansible Vault to protect their contents. Variable files allow you to separate your sensitive data from your code and avoid exposing it in your playbooks.

Use variable precedence to override values

Use variable precedence to override default or role-level values with playbook-level values. Ansible uses a specific order to resolve variable values, based on the scope and priority of each variable. You can use the "vars" section of your playbook to define playbook-level variables that will override default or role-level variables.

Error Handling

Error handling is an important aspect of Ansible playbooks, as it allows you to detect and handle errors that may occur during the execution of your tasks. Ansible provides several mechanisms for error handling, such as retries, ignore_errors, and failed_when. Here are some best practices for error handling:

Use retries for transient errors

Use retries to handle transient errors that may occur during the execution of your tasks, such as network timeouts or temporary resource constraints. Retries allow you to automatically retry a task a certain number of times before giving up, which can increase the reliability of your playbook.

Use ignore_errors with caution

Use ignore_errors with caution, as it can mask errors and make your playbook less reliable. ignore_errors allows you to continue executing your playbook even if a task fails, but it may leave your system in an inconsistent state. Use ignore_errors only for tasks that are not critical or that can be safely skipped.

Use failed_when to customize error conditions

Use failed_when to customize the conditions under which a task should be considered failed. failed_when allows you to define a custom Jinja2 expression that will be evaluated to determine whether a task has failed or not. You can use failed_when to handle specific error conditions that are not covered by the default behavior of Ansible.

Use blocks to group related tasks

Use blocks to group related tasks and apply error handling to them as a group. A block is a set of tasks that can be executed as a single unit, and it can have its own error handling settings, such as retries or ignore_errors. Blocks allow you to simplify your playbook and avoid duplicating error handling settings across multiple tasks.


Testing is an essential part of Ansible playbooks, as it allows you to verify that your code works as expected and avoid introducing regressions. Ansible provides several mechanisms for testing, such as the "check" mode, the "debug" module, and the "assert" module. Here are some best practices for testing:

Use the "check" mode to dry-run your playbook

Use the "check" mode to dry-run your playbook and verify that it will not make any changes to your system. The "check" mode allows you to simulate the execution of your playbook without actually modifying your system, which can be useful for testing and debugging. You can use the "--check" option to enable the "check" mode.

Use the "debug" module to print variable values

Use the "debug" module to print variable values and debug your playbook. The "debug" module allows you to print the value of a variable or an expression, which can be useful for troubleshooting. You can use the "msg" parameter to specify the message to print, and the "var" parameter to specify the variable or expression to evaluate.

Use the "assert" module to validate conditions

Use the "assert" module to validate conditions and ensure that your playbook works as expected. The "assert" module allows you to define a condition that must be true for your playbook to succeed, and it will fail if the condition is not met. You can use the "msg" parameter to specify a custom error message, and the "var" parameter to specify the variable or expression to evaluate.

Use linting tools to validate your code

Use linting tools such as ansible-lint to validate your code and ensure that it follows best practices and conventions. ansible-lint is a command-line tool that analyzes your playbook and provides feedback on potential issues or improvements. You can use ansible-lint to catch syntax errors, unused variables, missing tags, and other common mistakes.


In this article, we have discussed the best practices for writing Ansible playbooks, which are the building blocks of Ansible automation. We have covered topics such as playbook structure, variable management, error handling, and testing, among others. By following these best practices, you will be able to write efficient, maintainable, and scalable Ansible playbooks that will make your life as a sysadmin much easier.

Ansible is a powerful tool that can help you automate your infrastructure and save time and effort. By mastering Ansible playbooks, you will be able to deploy and manage your applications with ease, and focus on more important tasks. So what are you waiting for? Start writing your own Ansible playbooks today!

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