Ansible Modules: A Comprehensive Overview

Are you tired of manually configuring servers and updating software? Are you looking for a way to automate all of your IT tasks? Look no further than Ansible! Ansible is a powerful open-source automation platform that can help you manage your infrastructure and applications with ease.

One of the key components of Ansible are modules. In this article, we’ll explore what Ansible modules are and how they work. We’ll also take a look at some of the most useful modules you can use to automate your tasks.

What are Ansible Modules?

Simply put, Ansible modules are the building blocks of your automation tasks. They are pre-written pieces of code that you can use to automate specific tasks on your target machines. These modules can perform a variety of tasks, including installing software, configuring settings, managing files, and more.

One of the biggest benefits of Ansible modules is that they are reusable. This means that once you have written a module to perform a specific task, you can reuse it across multiple playbooks without having to write the same code over and over again. This can save you a lot of time and effort in the long run.

How do Ansible Modules Work?

Ansible modules work by running on the target machine and performing a specific task. When you run an Ansible playbook, it instructs the target machine to run the specified module with the specified parameters.

For example, let’s say you want to install the Apache web server on your target machine. You can use the Ansible ‘yum’ module to install it. Here’s an example of what the relevant section of your playbook might look like:

- name: Install Apache web server
    name: httpd
    state: present

In this example, the ‘yum’ module is being used to install the ‘httpd’ package. The ‘state’ parameter is being set to ‘present’, which means that if the package is already installed, it won’t be re-installed. If it isn’t installed, it will be installed.

Ansible Core Modules

Ansible comes with a wide variety of core modules that you can use to automate your tasks. Here are some of the most widely used modules:


The ‘file’ module is used to manage files and directories on your target machine. You can use it to create or delete files and directories, change file permissions, and more.

For example, here’s how you might use the ‘file’ module to create a new directory:

- name: Create directory
    path: /my/directory
    state: directory

In this example, the ‘file’ module is being used to create a new directory at the path ‘/my/directory’.


The ‘copy’ module is used to copy files from your control machine to your target machine. You can use it to copy files to a specific directory or create a new file.

For example, here’s how you might use the ‘copy’ module to copy a file to your target machine:

- name: Copy file
    src: /path/to/source/file
    dest: /path/to/destination/file

In this example, the ‘copy’ module is being used to copy a file from the source file at ‘/path/to/source/file’ to the destination file at ‘/path/to/destination/file’.


The ‘yum’ module is used to manage packages on your target machine. You can use it to install or remove packages, update packages, and more.

For example, here’s how you might use the ‘yum’ module to install a package:

- name: Install package
    name: my_package
    state: present

In this example, the ‘yum’ module is being used to install the package ‘my_package’.


The ‘service’ module is used to manage services on your target machine. You can use it to start or stop services, enable or disable services from starting on boot, and more.

For example, here’s how you might use the ‘service’ module to start a service:

- name: Start service
    name: my_service
    state: started

In this example, the ‘service’ module is being used to start the service ‘my_service’.


The ‘user’ module is used to manage users and groups on your target machine. You can use it to create or delete users and groups, change user passwords, and more.

For example, here’s how you might use the ‘user’ module to create a new user:

- name: Create user
    name: alice
    password: "{{ lookup('password', '/dev/null length=15') }}"

In this example, the ‘user’ module is being used to create a new user with the username ‘alice’. The password is being generated using the ‘password’ lookup plugin.

Extra Community Modules

In addition to the core modules, there are also many community-developed Ansible modules that can help you automate your tasks even further. These modules cover a wide range of tasks and can help you automate everything from managing Docker containers to configuring network devices.

Here are a few examples of some popular community modules:


The ‘docker_container’ module is used to manage Docker containers on your target machine. You can use it to start or stop containers, configure container networks, and more.

For example, here’s how you might use the ‘docker_container’ module to create and start a new container:

- name: Create and start Docker container
    name: my_container
    image: ubuntu:latest
    command: sleep infinity
    state: started

In this example, the ‘docker_container’ module is being used to create and start a new Docker container named ‘my_container’ using the latest Ubuntu image.


The ‘junos_config’ module is used to manage Juniper network devices. You can use it to configure network interfaces, set up routing protocols, and more.

For example, here’s how you might use the ‘junos_config’ module to configure a network interface:

- name: Configure network interface
      - set interfaces ge-0/0/0 unit 0 family inet address
    host: my_junos_device
    username: my_username
    password: my_password

In this example, the ‘junos_config’ module is being used to configure the network interface ‘ge-0/0/0’ on a Juniper device with the IP address ‘’.


The ‘win_chocolatey’ module is used to manage packages on Windows machines using the Chocolatey package manager. You can use it to install or remove packages, update packages, and more.

For example, here’s how you might use the ‘win_chocolatey’ module to install a package:

- name: Install package
    name: my_package
    state: present

In this example, the ‘win_chocolatey’ module is being used to install the package ‘my_package’ using the Chocolatey package manager.


Ansible modules are a powerful tool for automating your IT tasks. With a wide variety of core and community modules available, there’s no limit to what you can automate. By using Ansible modules in your automation workflows, you can save time, improve consistency, and reduce errors. So why not give Ansible a try today and see how it can transform your IT operations?

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