Top 10 Ansible Tips and Tricks for Automation

Are you tired of manually configuring servers and applications? Do you want to automate your IT infrastructure and save time and effort? Look no further than Ansible, the open-source automation tool that simplifies complex tasks and streamlines workflows.

In this article, we'll share the top 10 Ansible tips and tricks for automation, so you can get the most out of this powerful tool and take your IT operations to the next level. From managing inventory and variables to using modules and playbooks, we've got you covered.

So, without further ado, let's dive into the world of Ansible and discover how it can transform your IT infrastructure.

1. Use YAML for Configuration Files

YAML (short for "YAML Ain't Markup Language") is a human-readable data serialization format that is commonly used for configuration files in Ansible. It is easy to read and write, and it supports complex data structures such as lists, dictionaries, and nested objects.

To use YAML in your Ansible playbooks and roles, simply create a file with a .yml extension and write your configuration data in YAML syntax. For example, here's a simple YAML file that defines a list of servers:


As you can see, YAML uses indentation to define the structure of the data, and it uses colons to separate keys and values. This makes it easy to read and understand, even for non-technical users.

2. Manage Inventory with Hosts and Groups

Inventory is a key concept in Ansible, as it defines the servers and applications that you want to manage with Ansible. You can define inventory manually in a file, or you can use dynamic inventory scripts to generate inventory based on external sources such as cloud providers or databases.

To define inventory manually, create a file called inventory.yml and define your hosts and groups using YAML syntax. For example:


In this example, we define three hosts (web1, web2, and db1) and two groups (webservers and databases). We can then use these groups in our playbooks and roles to target specific servers or applications.

3. Use Variables for Dynamic Configuration

Variables are a powerful feature in Ansible that allow you to define dynamic configuration data that can be used across your playbooks and roles. Variables can be defined at different levels, from global variables that apply to all hosts, to host-specific variables that apply only to specific hosts.

To define variables, create a file called vars.yml and define your variables using YAML syntax. For example:

webserver_port: 80
dbserver_port: 3306

In this example, we define two variables (webserver_port and dbserver_port) that can be used in our playbooks and roles to configure the ports for our web and database servers.

4. Use Modules for Common Tasks

Modules are pre-built scripts that perform common tasks in Ansible, such as installing packages, copying files, or managing users and groups. Ansible comes with a large number of built-in modules, and you can also create your own custom modules if needed.

To use a module in your playbook or role, simply include it in your task using the module keyword. For example:

- name: Install Apache
    name: apache2
    state: present

In this example, we use the apt module to install the Apache web server on our hosts. The module takes two parameters (name and state) that define the package to install and its desired state (present in this case).

5. Use Playbooks for Complex Workflows

Playbooks are the heart of Ansible, as they define the workflows that automate your IT infrastructure. A playbook is a YAML file that contains a list of tasks, each of which can use modules, variables, and other Ansible features.

To create a playbook, simply create a file with a .yml extension and define your tasks using YAML syntax. For example:

- name: Install Apache
    name: apache2
    state: present
  become: true

- name: Copy Configuration File
    src: /path/to/config/file
    dest: /etc/apache2/conf.d/myconfig.conf
  become: true

- name: Restart Apache
    name: apache2
    state: restarted
  become: true

In this example, we define a playbook that installs Apache, copies a configuration file, and restarts the Apache service. We use the apt, copy, and service modules to perform these tasks, and we use the become keyword to run the tasks with elevated privileges (i.e., as root).

6. Use Roles for Reusability and Modularity

Roles are a way to organize your playbooks and make them more modular and reusable. A role is a collection of tasks, variables, and files that can be used across multiple playbooks and projects.

To create a role, simply create a directory with the name of your role and define your tasks, variables, and files inside it. For example:


In this example, we define a role called webserver that contains a main task file, a main variable file, and an index.html file. We can then use this role in our playbooks by including it in the roles section. For example:

- name: Install and Configure Web Server
  hosts: webservers
    - webserver

In this example, we define a playbook that targets the webservers group and includes the webserver role. This will install and configure the web server on all hosts in the webservers group.

7. Use Conditionals for Dynamic Control Flow

Conditionals are a way to control the flow of your playbooks based on dynamic conditions such as variable values or host facts. Ansible supports a wide range of conditional statements, including if/else, when, and failed_when.

To use conditionals in your playbook, simply include them in your tasks using the when or failed_when keyword. For example:

- name: Install Apache on Ubuntu
    name: apache2
    state: present
  become: true
  when: ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu'

- name: Install Apache on CentOS
    name: httpd
    state: present
  become: true
  when: ansible_distribution == 'CentOS'

In this example, we use the when keyword to install Apache on Ubuntu or CentOS based on the value of the ansible_distribution variable. This allows us to write a single playbook that works across multiple operating systems.

8. Use Loops for Iteration

Loops are a way to iterate over a list of items and perform a task for each item. Ansible supports a wide range of loop statements, including with_items, with_dict, and with_fileglob.

To use loops in your playbook, simply include them in your tasks using the with_items or with_dict keyword. For example:

- name: Install Packages
    name: "{{ item }}"
    state: present
  become: true
    - apache2
    - mysql-server
    - php

In this example, we use the with_items keyword to install three packages (Apache, MySQL, and PHP) on our hosts. The apt module is called once for each item in the list, allowing us to perform the same task multiple times with different parameters.

9. Use Tags for Selective Execution

Tags are a way to selectively execute specific tasks or groups of tasks in your playbook. You can assign tags to tasks using the tags keyword, and then use the --tags or --skip-tags options to control which tasks are executed.

To use tags in your playbook, simply include them in your tasks using the tags keyword. For example:

- name: Install Apache
    name: apache2
    state: present
  become: true
    - webserver

- name: Install MySQL
    name: mysql-server
    state: present
  become: true
    - database

In this example, we use the tags keyword to assign two tags (webserver and database) to our tasks. We can then use the --tags or --skip-tags options to control which tasks are executed based on their tags.

10. Use Ansible Galaxy for Community Roles

Ansible Galaxy is a community repository of Ansible roles that you can use to extend your playbook and leverage the expertise of the Ansible community. Galaxy contains thousands of roles for a wide range of applications and services, and you can easily search and install roles using the ansible-galaxy command.

To use Ansible Galaxy, simply install the ansible-galaxy command and use it to search for and install roles. For example:

$ ansible-galaxy search nginx
$ ansible-galaxy install geerlingguy.nginx

In this example, we use the ansible-galaxy command to search for and install the geerlingguy.nginx role, which provides a complete nginx installation and configuration for your hosts.


Ansible is a powerful automation tool that can simplify complex tasks and streamline your IT infrastructure. By following these top 10 tips and tricks, you can get the most out of Ansible and take your IT operations to the next level. From managing inventory and variables to using modules and playbooks, Ansible has everything you need to automate your IT infrastructure and save time and effort. So, what are you waiting for? Start using Ansible today and see the difference it can make in your IT operations!

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